Voyager Sopris Learning EDVIEW360 Blog Series
Recent Blog Posts
Monica Burns
Dr. Monica Burns
Curriculum and edtech consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator, Founder of ClassTechTips.com
8 Ways to Incorporate Technology into Your Classroom
March 29, 2018

How can you use digital tools to enhance teaching and learning at your school? Recently I partnered with the folks at Voyager Sopris Learning for a webinar titled "8 Ways Teachers Can Incorporate Technology in the Classroom."

  • Literacy
  • technology
Alana Cohen
District ELA Curriculum Specialist for Rapides Parish Schools in Louisiana
One Size Does Not Fit All: Strong Professional Development Turns the Tide in Rapides Parish Schools
March 22, 2018

Last week, I was happy to be part of an Education Week webinar with Dr. Louisa Moats. With my assistant superintendent, Kim Bennett, we shared the story of how we achieved significant K–3 literacy results in the Rapides Parish School District.

  • Literacy
  • Professional Development
  • EdView360
Five Essentials of an Adolescent ELA Program
March 8, 2018

Adolescents who struggle to read do so for a variety of reasons. They may have learning challenges, may be new to this country and the English language, or may have experienced setbacks in early grades. Regardless of why they are struggling, they need more than a basic reading program to get them on track.

  • General Education
  • Literacy
  • Struggling Readers
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Erin Pzinski
Starting to Dance: A Professional Development Turning Point
January 18, 2018

LETRS professional development determined my course as an educator, allowing me to be part of a successful professional learning community that is constantly improving the instruction for students in this rural Wyoming town.

  • General Education
  • Professional Development
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Michelle George
Mastery Teaching
November 2, 2017

This is my 25th year teaching. Yet, it feels a bit like my first. I am part of a small team of teachers at my school who have volunteered to pilot a mastery learning program with our seventh-grade students. Like my first year in the classroom, the learning curve is steep.

  • General Education
  • training & support
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Josie Pack
Life After Leave: Taking Back the Classroom
October 12, 2017

Whatever the reason for your leave, it’s not easy handing over your students to a new teacher. It’s even harder coming back after someone else has been leading the class in their own style. I recently returned to the classroom following maternity leave. Everyone was anticipating the transition but no one capitalized more than my homeroom students who took the opportunity to create their idea of a new normal for the classroom.

  • Classroom Management
  • General Education
  • Positive School Climate