Presented by researcher and author Dr. Roland Good, III, of Acadience® Learning, discusses the importance of using effective and efficient assessment to support students with reading difficulties, including dyslexia, for improving academic outcomes. Learning to read and write is essential for student success in school and life. Students with reading difficulties, such as dyslexia, can experience significant challenges in school and beyond if not provided with early identification and intervention. Dr. Good examines how data from dyslexia screening can be used to support students with reading difficulties through literacy professional development, explicit instruction, and targeted intensive intervention. By understanding where struggling readers are, knowing where they need to go, and planning the path they need to follow, educators can help at-risk students succeed.
Hosted by EdWeek
Roland H. Good, III, Ph.D., is President, Director of Research Analysis, and Associate Director of Research and Development for Acadience Learning and co-author of Acadience Reading (also published under the name DIBELS Next) as well as earlier versions of the DIBELS® assessment.
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