Voyager Sopris Learning EDVIEW360 Blog Series
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Therese Pickett
Implementation Specialist, Voyager Sopris Learning
It’s Never Too Early to Prepare: Top 5 Ways to Beat the Summer Slide
April 11, 2019

Research has shown a pattern of summer learning loss, particularly among low-income youths. Lack of access to high-quality summer learning programs negatively impacts the academic achievement, health, and social development of children, particularly in high-poverty communities. Students in middle- and higher-income households still lose an average of one to two months of learning each summer. So, what can educators do to lessen or eliminate summer slide?

  • Math Intervention
  • Reading Intervention
  • Summer slide
Pickett-Therese croppedSQUARE
Therese Pickett
Implementation Specialist, Voyager Sopris Learning
Six Strategies to Prepare Your Students for High-Stakes Testing
March 28, 2019

With increased accountability for schools to demonstrate student achievement comes high-stakes testing. Although testing can be stressful for students and teachers, there are measures we can use to lessen that stress and help students do a better job showing what they know.

Marilyn Sprick
Marilyn Sprick
Author of Readwell
The Diagnostic-Prescriptive Reading Teacher and Foundational Reading Skills
March 13, 2019

As educators, our mission is to provide all of our students with opportunities as they move into the working world. Sadly, 32 million adult Americans read below a basic level. Locked into low-wage jobs, nearly 60 percent of those with low literacy earn less than $16,000 annually. These are people who lack foundational reading skills. What can we do about this issue?

  • Literacy
  • Reading Intervention
Carrie Doom
Dr. Carrle Doom
Vice President of Implementation, Voyager Sopris Learning
Five Reasons Smart Kids Get Bad Grades
March 6, 2019

Parents, teachers, and students can be baffled when students earn poor grades. The remedy isn’t as simple as considering a student’s effort. There are a variety of reasons why students struggle to display, communicate, and assimilate knowledge.

Voyager Sopris Learning Icon
Voyager Sopris Learning
The Reading, Writing, and Math Intervention Specialist
Myths Surrounding ELLs and Literacy: Why Student Success Depends on Teachers’ Knowledge Base
February 19, 2019

Dr. Fierro shares why teacher knowledge is paramount to helping ELLs (and all learners) develop the literacy skills that will help them succeed both academically and personally. We spoke with Dr. Fierro about the experiences that led to his career in education and why he’s passionate about ELLs and literacy.

Dr. Lucy Hart Paulson
Author of Good Talking Words
The Heart of Teaching—Social Emotional Learning in Young Children
February 14, 2019

Social emotional learning is a prevalent topic in education today, with a recognition that how children feel is as important as their academic growth. However, this perspective infers there is a dichotomy of skill sets, social emotional skills and academic skills. To this point, some early childhood programs have intentionally focused on young children’s social emotional skills and discouraged including academically related skills with a sense that social emotional skills need to develop before children are able to learn other skills. Consider these skill sets as all interconnected and integrated, instead of being a dichotomy, and that social emotional learning is dependent on executive function skills, which are interrelated to cognition, which is connected to oral language. Social emotional learning develops as we effectively learn to use the background knowledge we have gained through experiences and skills acquired to help us with tasks