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All students have a right to be successful in the classroom and in life. Through a holistic suite of teacher-trusted interventions and formative assessments, created by the best minds and most renowned authors in their field, we help students of all abilities master foundational skills in reading, writing, and math. Click on a solution to learn more.

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Support for Students with Dyslexia

Several of our programs, including LANGUAGE! Live, follow the Structured Literacy approach recommended by the International Dyslexia Association (IDA). You'll find grade-appropriate solutions that provide explicit, systematic, and cumulative foundational reading skill instruction, as well as professional development options.

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Support Structured Literacy

Student writing

Reading Intervention

Current research about literacy shows that few students acquire reading naturally, and that most students benefit from explicit and direct, structured instruction. *Since learning to read is not a natural, but learned skill, some students will have difficulty. With this in mind, educators should use the most effective core reading and ELA instruction with additional targeted, evidence-based intervention for struggling students.

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Blogs, Webinars, and Podcasts

EDVIEW360 is our ongoing series of articles, interviews, and trainings hosted by authors, education professionals, and math and literacy experts about topics of interest to the education industry.

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