VmathLive Implementation

VmathLive® provides meaningful, self-paced online math practice for students in grades K–8. You should have received your username and password; if so, you are ready to begin. If you have not received a username and password, please email support@voyagersopris.com. Campus users may contact their district contact to activate school account access.

1. Log in to the Educator Dashboard on VPORT

VPORT® is an online data management system that acts as the backbone of many Voyager Sopris Learning programs. It allows educators to enroll students, track progress, generate reports, and more!

2. Enroll Your Students

You have two options for enrolling students in VmathLive:

  • Self Entry
    To guide yourself through the process download the Tip Sheet. Follow the instructions for adding teachers, classes, and students.

  • Assisted Entry
    Download this template if you have a large number of schools and classes to import. Complete the template and contact Customer Support at 800-547-6747 for help importing data.

3. Download Quick Reference Guides

After enrollment, this guide will help teachers get started with the program.

VmathLive Quick Reference for Teachers

4. Contact Voyager Sopris Support

Call your Voyager Sopris Learning support team with technical or content questions: 800.547.6747 or email support@voyagersopris.com.